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104 lines
//original zdrojak: Jan Koci (koci.opengl.cz)//
//upravil: Peter AdamΦφk //
// This is our bitset class for storing which face has already been drawn.
// The bitset functionality isn't really taken advantage of in this version
// since we aren't rendering by leafs and nodes.
// T°φda pro uklßdßnφ ploÜek, kterΘ byly vykresleny.
class K_CBitset
public: // Ve°ejnΘ
// Initialize all the data members
// V konstruktoru nastav bit a jeho velikost na 0
K_CBitset() : m_puiBits(0), m_iSize(0) {}
// This is our deconstructor
// Destruktor
// If we have valid memory, get rid of it
// Jestli₧e je zapln∞na pam∞¥ bitov²ch dat, tak
delete m_puiBits; // Vyma₧ bitovΘ data
m_puiBits = NULL; // Nastav je na NULL
////////////// Funkce //////////////////
// This resizes our bitset to a size so each face has a bit associated with it
// Alokuj dostateΦnΘ mno₧stvφ bit∙ pro vÜechny ploÜky pro bitovΘ nastavenφ klastr∙
void Resize(int i_count)
// Get the size of integers we need
// Zφskej velikost v hodnot∞ integer
m_iSize = i_count / 32 + 1;
// Make sure we haven't already allocated memory for the bits
// Vyma₧ alokovanou pam∞¥ bitu
// Jestli₧e je zapln∞na pam∞¥ bitov²ch dat, tak
delete m_puiBits; // Vyma₧ bit
m_puiBits = 0; // Nastav ho na NULL
// Allocate the bits and initialize them
// Alokuj pam∞¥ pro novß bitovß data a nastav jejich velikost podle hodnoty m_isize
m_puiBits = new unsigned int[m_iSize];
ClearAll(); // Nastav vÜechny bity na 0
// This does the binary math to set the desired bit
// Nastavφ, ploÜku jako vykreslenou
// Nastav bit na 1
void Set(int i)
// Pou₧ij bitovΘ posuny
m_puiBits[i >> 5] |= (1 << (i & 31));
// This returns if the desired bit slot is a 1 or a 0
// Funkce zjiÜ¥uje jestli ploÜka, kterß mß b²t vykreslena,
// nebyla ji₧ vykreslena
// Vra¥ funkci bit 0, nebo 1
int On(int i)
return m_puiBits[i >> 5] & (1 << (i & 31 ));
// This clears a bit to 0
// Nastav bit na 0
void Clear(int i)
// Pou₧ij bitovΘ posuny
m_puiBits[i >> 5] &= ~(1 << (i & 31));
// This initializes the bits to 0
// Nastav vÜechny bity na 0
void ClearAll()
memset(m_puiBits, 0, sizeof(unsigned int) * m_iSize);
private: // SoukromΘ
////////////// Prom∞nnΘ ////////////////
// Our private bit data that holds the bits and size
unsigned int *m_puiBits; // Bitovß data
int m_iSize; // Bitovß velikost